Do you feel distracted, dry, and disconnected from God?

You don't have to have let a bad mood ruin your day!
You don't have to allow busyness to squeeze out your time with the Lord.
You don't have to feel guilty anymore about being disconnected from God.

Get your spiritual blood pumping again! can revive your quiet time in mere minutes without distractions.

Join me for the  1-hour Walk + Talk with God online course, and I'll share the simple method that I use along with resources to show you how to add steps to your faith that will stir your soul.

I'm with you every step of the way!

  • 9 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 6 Files

  • Intro

  • Movement

  • Stir up your Spirit

  • Declarations

  • Gratitude

  • Pray

  • Reflect + Repent

  • Recap

  • Next Steps

  • Your Customizable Template >>> Create your own quiet time

  • Sample Outline >>> Mel's Personal Example

  • Daily Declarations

  • Prayer Guide >>> Focused Family Prayer

  • Reflection Worksheet >>> Questions you can ask God

  • Next Level Prayer Template

  • EZ Outline

  • Habit Tracker